Vuvuzela or social unrest?

Hola. Hope you are well.

The last World Cup was played out to the sound of vuvuzelas, this oneĀ  backed by the sound of protesters.

I’ve big respect that the protesters didn’t allow a little thing like the World Cup get in the way of highlighting the imbalance between the money spent on the tournament and the money spent on looking after the people of Brazil.

One way the organisers quite clearly saved money was by not employing a choreographer for Pitbull and J-Lo’s performance during the opening ceremony, which seemed to involve a lot of arm waving, some saucy dancing, followed by a lot more arm waving.

At least the Brazil government only have to concern themselves financially with one major tournament it’s not as if they’ll be hosting another major sporting event anytime soon.

Ps. Let me know if you’ve still got a vuvuzela and if so when last did you blow it? You can contact me via the comments button or on twitter @anunknowncomic

Should you want more football chat, here’s my football blog.

Til next time, stay safe!


A tale of one city

Hola. Hope you are well.

I read recently that London has more billionaires than any other city.

I also read that in some parts of London studs/spikes have been erected to prevent homeless people from sleeping in these places. In the same article it said over 6400 people slept rough in London last year. How can these two things occur in the same city?

Also in London, our Mayor, Boris, announced that he’s bought 3 water cannons. Is he expecting trouble?

Surely the money would have been better used to find out why people would want to riot and address those issues. Or perhaps, instead of investing in water cannons the Mayor could have invested in some of the services that were removed in the name of austerity.

Maybe I’m wrong and theĀ  water cannons weren’t bought as a means to controlling angry mobs but will be used to blast the homeless out of London. I really shouldn’t give people ideas.

Til next time, stay safe!




The Bill

Hola. Hope you are well.

The Met Police are trialling a scheme in 10 London boroughs which will see their officers wearing video cameras attached to them.

It might be the performer in me but I can see a situation where an officer breaks down a suspects door, pinning them down (within the legal parameters) only for another officer to say, “Can we do that again, the lighting is terrible”.

It could happen.

Til next time, stay safe! (and the right side of the law)

