What would you pay £660 to do?

My Housing Association found there was a service charge deficit going back 4 years. They recently acknowledged they were a bit rubbish (paraphrasing) so knocked off the years 2014/15 & 15/16. These happened to be the years with the least amount of deficit – £110 in total. This now leaves the deficit at £660, which makes me think, what job would you want me to do for £660?

You can let me know via the comments button or @anunknowncomic

If you like your comedy unscripted, unedited and 32mins check out my comedy prongcast. Cheers

Do you brush your teeth at work?

I’ve gone a bit teeth-tastic on this #1minblog.

  • Do you have a dentist?
  • Do you use a manual toothbrush or an electric one?
  • If you use a manual one do you squirt one dollop of toothpaste or cover the whole toothbrush?
  • Apparently you’re not supposed to rinse your mouth out with water after brushing but does anyone adhere to this?
  • In the morning do you brush your teeth before or after you’ve eaten/ had a drink?
  • Do you brush your teeth at work?
  • Do you use mouthwash?
  • There’s a helpline number on tubes of toothpaste but have you ever rung it?

And Finally

  • Why does my dentist tell me to relax when doing treatment on me? Having a whirring thing & a scrapey thing in my mouth isn’t how I generally relax.

Feel free to comment via the comments button or @anunknowncomic

If you like your comedy about 32mins chack out my comedy prongcast. Cheers

Is anyone still owed PPI?

Normally when I listen to commercial radio I flick over when the adverts come on (sorry advertisers) but the other day I was doing some manual labour so I wasn’t near enough to the radio to change channels. This meant I got to hear adverts on heavy rotation.

In the same set of adverts you were encouraged to reclaim money off high street banks for mis-sold PPI and encouraged to take out a business loan from one of those high street banks.

On some level there were mixed messages being sent out.


Check out my comedy prongcast. Cheers

Screen time to bedtime.

In an attempt to get better quality sleep (I can get to sleep quite easily but I wake a few hours later) I’ve decided to increase the time between using a screen (computer/phone) and me going to bed.

One problem with this is the only time I have to do my own thing is after my boy goes to bed and I go to bed, a time that is getting shorter & shorter. It’s also a time that is also filled with eating dinner, loading the dishwasher and making lunch/ironing clothes for work.

Having said that, the work I currently do in this time has never led to anything so maybe it won’t be too much of a sacrifice.

Feel free to let me know the amount of time you leave between last using a screen and going to bed. Cheers.


Check out my comedy prongcast. Thanks

Do you work here?

A woman at the train station kept asking me detailed questions about her journey. I wasn’t able to help so I sent her to the ticket office. It was only then that I looked down to see I was wearing my school ID badge. She must have thought I was a really unhelpful staff member.

Feel free to let me know when you’ve ever been mistaken for staff.


Check out my comedy prongcast. Cheers

A flaw in my system

One of the few things I’m proud of is my things-to-do-list. It’s handwritten on a folded piece of A4 paper with different sections allocated for different aspects of my life. The only flaw in my system is that things that are neither a priority or fun can stay on lists for quite a long time, like fixing my boy’s scooter or sorting the toilet flusher. ( Don’t worry the toilet still flushes but the plastic pusher bit has come off).

Feel free to tell me about your things-to-do-list. Cheers.


Check out my comedy prongcast. Thanks.

Is Piers Morgan my social media saviour?

I’m used to my tweets going largely ignored, liked by the same few people I already know but the other day I replied to a Piers Morgan tweet and I got over 50 likes. I’m fully aware that this is nothing if you are a social media influencer but I’m fully aware that I’m not a social media influencer.

It’s made me wonder if for me to be a success on Twitter do I need to trawl through Piers Morgan’s tweets looking for opportunities to reply to him. The danger of this is that after a while of being exposed to his thoughts I might end up thinking like him.

Perhaps obscurity isn’t too bad after all.


If you like your comedy unedited, unscripted & about 32 mins check out my prongcast. Cheers