Stressed pets.

On our latest #prongcast, Prong2 told me that rats get stressed. I’ve never been a pet person (why would you invite an animal into your house?) so I didn’t know if he was having me on. Do you/did you have a pet that suffered from stress and how did this stress manifest itself? Let me know via the comments button or @anunknowncomic 


Extrapolate that!

Brecon & Radnorshire voted to leave the EU by 51.9%-48.1% in 2016.

The by-election was triggered because the Conservative MP had been found guilty of committing expenses fraud. In their wisdom they put the very same man to stand as a candidate.

Plaid and the Greens stepped aside to allow the Lib Dems a clear run, in a Remain Alliance.

The Brexit Party took votes away from the Tories.

It looks like Labour voters voted tactically for the Lib Dems, preferring that to seeing the Conservative win the seat.

With all those factors at play, if anyone reckons they can workout what will happen in a General Election from this result, then they are better than me. (this could be the case)
@anunknowncomic  Check out my comedy podcast. Cheers




Shed 7(80 000)

Apparently Zoe Ball has lost 780 000 listeners from the Radio 2 Breakfast show in 3 months. I have to applaud her for this. It’s better to shed people who aren’t keen on what you do than have them sniping from the side. Over the years I’ve managed to whittle the people who like what I do down to 8-15 (and I’m one of the 8-15). Anyway back to Zoe, are you one of those 780 000 listeners & if so what do you listen to in the morning instead? Let me know via the comments button or @anunknowncomic. Cheers
If you like my #1minblog then why not check out my comedy podcast.