The secret to free time.

I think the secret to how to spend your free time is to not do too much.

For example, last Tuesday I had a rare free day (I was off work and the boy was at nursery). I used this opportunity to align our patio door, clean an oven tray and record a #prongcast.

It’s not for me to say if I could have been any more productive but it was certainly a relaxing day (that might have had something to do with the pint and a half I also had).




Bugs and diseases.

The hand washing boffins have said we should be washing our hands for 20secs (2 lots of Happy Birthday, I don’t think it matters who you are wishing a happy birthday).

Don’t get me wrong, due to my lifestyle I am a regular hand washer, but I’m not sure I can commit to 20 secs hygiene-ing myself. So it looks like I will be forced to take my chances with the bugs and diseases. After all when have bugs and diseases done anyone harm?


If you get the chance, have a listen to my comedy prongcast. Thanks

Nigel or Keith?

New parents are not giving their newborns the names Nigel & Keith. It begs the question, if you could save one of these names which one would it be? Let me know via the comments button or @anunknowncomic

It’s also made me wonder if Keith Farage would have helped secure Brexit or would Nigel Chegwin have presented The Naked Jungle in the buff? We may never know.

Have a listen to my comedy prongcast.